NEWPAGES Solutions


更新于: 2024-08-21 观看数: 146



  1. 保护贵重物品:保险箱常用于存放珠宝、名表、现金等贵重物品,以防止被盗或遗失。

  2. 存储重要文件:诸如房产证、护照、遗嘱、合同等重要文件,一旦丢失或损坏,可能会造成严重后果。保险箱能够有效防止这些文件因火灾、水灾或盗窃而受到损害。

  3. 保护数据:一些保险箱专为存放硬盘、USB设备、光盘等电子数据存储设备设计,确保重要的数字信息在灾难发生时不被破坏。


33 Safety Box & Security Equipment | NEWPAGES Solutions
Based in Selangor, Malaysia, 33 Safety Box & Security Equipment offers top-notch safe box supply, moving, and services. Secure your valuables with our reliable safes. Contact us today!
33 Safety Box & Security Equipment位于马来西亚雪兰莪州,提供一流的保险箱供应、搬运和服务。使用我们可靠的保险箱保护您的贵重物品。立即联系我们!
Syarikat Kichong Office Equipment Sdn Bhd | NEWPAGES Solutions
Syarikat Kichong Office Equipment - Cash Processing Equipment, Door Access System, Filing Cabinet, Guard Tour System, Office Automation, Office Equipment, Office Furniture, Office Seating
Syarikat Kichong Office Equipment - 现金处理设备、门禁系统、文件柜、巡更系统、办公自动化、办公设备、办公家具、办公座椅

注册号. 1351563-A
We specialize in office furniture, desk & table, office sofa set, office seating, pantry table, cafe chair, reception desk, safe box, etc.

注册号. JM0959122-V
As safe box specialists, we are committed to providing a customized safe solution at an affordable price to you. We hope to become your safe partner that could maximize your organization’s entire benefit.